18 Sep 2010

Manfaat Kunyit Bagi Kesehatan dan Kecantikan

Kunyit (Curcuma longa) adalah tanaman herba berimpang dari keluarga jahe-jahean (Zingiberaceae), yang berasal dari daerah tropis Asia Selatan. Tanaman ini memerlukan temperatur 20 °C hingga 30 °C serta curah hujan yang rutin untuk tumbuh normal.
Bagian tanaman yang banyak digunakan adalah rimpangnya. Rimpang kunyit digunakan secara luas pada bidang makanan. Kari adalah salah satu jenis makanan yang menggunakan kunyit. Zat warna kuning pada kunyit (berkode E100) dimanfaatkan untuk melindungi produk makanan terhadap kerusakan akibat sinar matahari. Bila digunakan bersama zat warna lain, yakni annatto (E160b), kunyit dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memberi warna pada keju, yogurt, mentega, dan margarin. 

Senyawa kimia yang terkandung dalam kunyit adalah kurkumin (sejenis senyawa polifenol) dan minyak atsiri. Kurkumin adalah senyawa aktif pada kunyit, yang terdapat dalam dua bentuk tautomer, yakni bentuk keto pada fase padat dan bentuk enol pada fase larutan.
Penelitian pada tahun 2004 di University of California menunjukkan bahwa kurkumin dapat menghambat penumpukan senyawa beta amiloid yang merusak pada otak penderita penyakit Alzheimer's dan juga menguraikan plak-plak yang telah ada sebelumnya.
Diketahui pula bahwa kurkumin merupakan senyawa penghambat MAO-A (monoamin oksidase) yang kuat pada dosis di atas 150 mg/kg. Khasiat penghambatan terhadap MAO-B ialah pada dosis di atas 550 mg/kg.
Sebuah penelitian terbaru pada tikus percobaan di laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa kunyit mampu memperlambat penyebaran kanker payudara ke paru-paru dan bagian tubuh lain.
Kurkumin juga memiliki khasiat meredakan nyeri. Sebuah penelitian yang dimuat pada bulan November 2006 dalam jurnal Arthritis & Rheumatism menunjukkan efektivitas kurkumin sebagai pereda inflamasi pada sendi. Senyawa ini merupakan penghambat alami enzim COX-2.
Sebuah penelitian pada tahun 2008 lalu menyimpulkan bahwa kunyit juga mampu mengurangi resistensi insulin dan mencegah diabetes tipe 2 pada tikus percobaan di laboratorium.
Selain bermanfaat untuk kesehatan, kunyit juga berguna untuk perawatan kulit dan kecantikan. Beberapa formulasi tabir surya (sunscreen) mengandung kunyit. Pasta kunyit digunakan oleh wanita di India untuk menghilangkan rambut yang berlebih di kulit.
Senyawa THCs (tetrahydrocurcuminoids) pada kunyit bermanfaat sebagai antioksidan dan mencerahkan kulit, sehingga memiliki prospek dalam pembuatan formula kosmetik.

Sumber : http://www.apoteker.info/Pojok%20Herbal/kunyit.htm

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Manfaat Pohon Kelapa

Pohon kelapa (Cocos nucifera) memang serbaguna dan memiliki banyak manfaat. Mulai dari akar, batang, daun, buah, hingga pelepahnya, semua bisa dimanfaatkan. Mau tahu apa saja manfaatnya? Yuk, kita simak!
Daun Kelapa
Daun kelapa dapat dibuat menjadi berbagai macam benda. Misalnya bingkai lemari, hiasan janur, keranjang sampah, sapu lidi, sarang ketupat, tatakan, dan tempat buah. Sementara pucuk daunnya dapat dibuat makanan, seperti asinan.
Kemudian manggar atau pangkal pelepahnya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat ragi dan gula. Sementara pelepah keringnya dapat dibuat kipas, sandal, tas tangan, dan topi.
Batang Kelapa
Batang kelapa dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat perabotan rumah tangga. Misalnya meja, kursi, bingkai lukisan, dan lainnya. Selain itu, batang kelapa bisa digunakan untuk membuat bahan dasar pembangunan rumah, seperti genteng, papan, dan sebagainya.
Buah Kelapa
Buah kelapa terdiri dari kulit luar, sabut, tempurung, kulit daging (testa), daging buah, air kelapa, dan lembaga (bakal buah). Banyak dari bagian buah kelapa ini yang bisa dimanfaatkan. Di antaranya, sabut, tempurung, daging buah, dan air kelapa.
Akar Kelapa
Akar kelapa dapat bermanfaat untuk kehidupan. Akar ini bisa dijadikan zat pewarna pada perabotan rumah tangga. Bisa juga dimanfaatkan untuk obatobatan (dalam ukuran atau takaran tertentu).
Sabut kelapa yang telah dibuang gabusnya dapat digunakan untuk pelapis jok dan kursi, serta pembuatan tali. Tempurung kelapa juga dapat digunakan untuk arang batok. Arang batok ini dapat digunakan sebagai “kayu bakar”. Bisa juga diolah menjadi arang aktif yang diperlukan oleh berbagai keperluan industri pengolahan. Tak hanya itu saja, tempurung kelapa juga bisa dijadikan kancing, aksesori kotak perhiasan, dan sebagainya.
Ada pula daging kelapa yang menjadi bagian penting dalam pohon kelapa. Daging kelapa ini bisa dibuat apa saja. Daging kelapa muda dapat dijadikan campuran minuman atau bisa juga dijadikan makanan. Misalnya, kue kelapa, manisan serutan kelapa, salad kelapa. Sementara, daging kelapa yang tua bisa diolah menjadi kelapa parut, santan, kopra (daging buah kelapa yang dikeringkan), dan minyak.
Tahukah kamu, air kelapa pun dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembuatan kecap. Atau, bisa juga dijadikan bahan pembuatan sari kelapa atau biasa disebut nata de coco.
Meningkatkan Ekonomi
Pohon kelapa, yang memiliki banyak manfaat untuk manusia, bisa kita manfaatkan untuk meningkatkan ekonomi negara. Yaitu, melalui budi daya pohon pohon kelapa. Kita bisa membuat barang-barang yang berkualitas dari bagian-bagian pohon kelapa, kemudiannya menjualnya ke luar Indonesia. Budi daya pohon kelapa cocok untuk negara kita yang memiliki iklim tropis - iklim yang cocok untuk pertumbuhan pohon kelapa.
Berbagai sumber.

14 Mei 2010


Pertama anda harus mengetahui istilah2 dlm rumus rubik, yaitu seperti gambar disamping Langkah

pertama 1

Buat rubik anda teracak - acak sehingga anda dapat memulai step - step berikutnya...

Langkah kedua 2

Agar di buat lebih mudah kita memakai center(tengah) berwarna putih,,,
Buatlah sebuah cross(tanda " + ") lalu buatlah cross tersebut sesuai dengan center yang lainnya agar cross yang dibuat tidak salah ( dalam step pertama para pemula nantinya akan bisa sendiri untuk membuat cross karena tidak ada rumus yang disebabkan terlalu banyak kondisi yang diciptakan)

Langkah ketiga 3,,,,,

Setelah langkah kedua buat cross yang ada berada di bagian bidang bawah
Buatlah corner yang ada unsur putih agar satu bidang menjadi warna putih semua...
Carilah unsur putih yang menghadap ke arah samping,bagian corner lainnya pasti bukan berwarna kuning lalu arahkan corner tersebut pada center yang warnanya sesuai lalu bagian putih menghadap ke arah kanan atau kiri,
jika unsur yang ingin digunakan berada di kanan rumus nya " R U Ri " ,,,,, Jika berada di kiri rumus nya " Li Ui L " ......
(ingat bagian warna putih harus menghadap ke arah lain bukan di bidang yang sesuai dengan centernya)

Jika corner unsur putihnya menghadap ke atas pakai saja rumus yang awal terus buat putihnya berada di samping tapi gunakan rumus ini di temapat corner bagian bawah yang belum ,jadi kalau di kanan rumusnya " R U U Ri ",, kalau di kiri " Li Ui Ui L "

Langkah keempat 4,,,,,,

Setelah membuat satu bidang rubik berwarna putih semuanya,,
Carilah edge(sperti pada gambar yang berunsur oren hijau) yang tidak memiliki unsur putih sama sekali(karena bidang sebaliknya berwarna kuning yang kita gunakan)
Sebelumnya seperti pada gambar buat warna seperti oren sesuai dengan bidang centernya,,,,, jika ingin di pindahkan dalam bidang yang sama ke arah kanan maka rumusnya " U R Ui Ri Ui Fi U F " ,,,,

jika ingin dipindahkan ke arah kiri
" Ui Li U L U F Ui Fi "

Jika di bidang atas semuanya berwarna putih tapi ternyata tidak ada unsur selain warna putihnya maka pakailah rumus yang untuk memindahkan ke arah kanan jadi jadi edge di bidang samping dapat sampai ke atas dan dimasukka lagi sesuai rumus yang pertama (rumus langkah 4)

Langkah kelima 5,,,,,

Setelah barisan kedua selesai lalu kita buat cross warna kuning
Biasanya ada 3 kondisi untuk membuat cross warna kuning ,,,,, ingat waktu memainkan rumus langkah ini jangan pedulkan cornernya....
Kondisi pertama satu titik berwarna kuning,,,,, rumusnya " F R U Ri Ui Fi "
Kondisi Kedua garis lurus seperti gambar di samping,,,, rumusnya " F* R U Ri Ui Fi* "( di kondisi kedua ini ingat waktu memakai rumus ini garis lurusnya harus mendatar, lalu yang dimaksud F* Kita langsung memutar 2 bidang bidang depan dan tengah ke arah kanan berarti hanya B yang tidak diputar, sedangkan Fi* arah sebaliknya)

Kondisi ketiga berbentuk huruf L kecil,,,, rumusnya sama dengan kondisi kedua,,,, kalau memakai rumus ini huruf L kecil harus mengarah ke arah kanan bawah, saat digunakan

Langkah keenam 6

Setelah cross sudah tercipta ada banyak kondisi yang dapat dibuat lalu selalau menggunakan rumus " R U Ri U R U2 Ri ",,,,,
Gunakan rumus ini sampai bidang bagian atas berwarna kuning semua
(Jika ada bentuk seperti kepala ikan selalu arahkan ke arah kiri bawah)

Langkah ketujuh 7

Nah langkah ini adalah langkah merapikan baris ketiga, gunakan rumus " R U2 Ri Ui R U2 Li U Ri Ui L ", maka akan terbentuk dua corner yang sudah teratur lalu gunakan rumus yang sama seperti yang tadi tapi corner yang sudah beraturan harus berada di sebelah kiri saat menggunakan rumus ini

Langkah kedelapan 8,,,,

Nah langkah ini dimana cornerya sudah tertata benar semua letaknya tetapi hanya edgenya saja yang belum diselesaikan lalu gunakan rumus " F2 U L Ri F2 Li R U F2 ",,,,
Lalu maka tercipta seperti pada gambar disamping hanya satu bidang yang sudah jadi lalu ada 3 bidang yang belum diselesaikan maka gunakan rumus lagi yang sama tetapi bidang yang sudah jadi harus berada dibagian belakang atau sebagai back.

Nah selesai sudah langkah - langkah dan step kita
Semoga pelajaran ini berguna buat teman - teman dan bisa bermain rubik

Sumber : Diameter.web.id n' Berbagai Sumber

5 Apr 2010

Software Pencari Crack Dan Serial Number

selamat datang di weblog ini.... anda mungkin bertanya-tanya kenapa saya menulis judul itu,... setiap kali saya download berbagai macam software dan game , saya pasti dapetnya yang trial version,., yang full ada sich, tapi kan jarang. Nah, setelah saya telusuri di google ternyata aku nemuin sebuah software yang dapat digunakan untuk mencari crack dan serial Number. jadi gak perlu pusing-pusing lagi dech. nich Link downloadnya "Download"

28 Mar 2010

Keuntungan gabung di kumpul Blogger!

KumpulBlogger adalah dimana tempat pengiklan bertemu dengan publisher atau pemilik blogger, dengan menjadi anggota Kumpulblogger kita bisa mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan dengan cara menyediakan ruang untuk menyampaikan iklan dari advertiser. Publisher akan di bayar dengan cara pay per click, dimana klik yang di akui adalah unik klik sehingga lebih adil untuk advertiser atau pemasang iklan, karena advertise juga di kenakan biaya Rp. 500 untuk 1 kali unik klik pada type texy links dan Rp. 700 untuk type mini banner, sedangkan untuk publisher akan mendapatkan Rp. 300 untuk 1 kali klik yang di akui pada iklan type text links dan Rp. 400 pada iklan type mini banner.

Memang kelihatannya seperti sebuah nilai yang sangat kecil, tapi bisa di bayangkan kalo sehari blog anda di kunjungi oleh 1000 pengunjung dan 20% pengunjung melakukan klik pada iklan yang ada di banner KumpulBlogger. Menurut data yang saya baca di kumpulblogger.com, pengguna internet di indonesia mencapai 20 juta pengguna, sebuah peluang yang sangat besar untuk meningkatkan penghasilan tambahan dengan memanfaatkan media iklan ini.

Untuk advetiser, program payperclick dari kumpulblogger ini juga memberikan manfaat dengan beriklan disini, karena ada sekitar 21.000 blogger yang terdaftar dengan berbagai segmen pembaca, jadi sebuah peluang yang sangat bagus bukan untuk mengiklankan produk anda disini?

Selain keuntungan di atas ada juga keuntungan lain buat para publisher dengan adanya sistem referral, dimana setiap klik yang di dapat oleh teman yang kita rekomendasikan, kita akan mendapatkan Rp. 25 untuk 1 klik di text links dan Rp. 50 untuk 1 klik di mini banner, walaupun cuma berlaku untuk l level saja. Apabila kita bisa menarik pemasang iklan untuk beriklan di kumpulblogger maka kita akan mendapatkan komisi sebesar 3% dari nilai pembelian iklannya.

Jadi tunggu apalagi, kalo anda punya website atau blog yang rame, kenapa tidak mencoba peluang ini untuk menambah pundi-pundi penghasilan anda, atau anda ingin mempromosikan produk atau website/blog anda untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan traffik silahkan bergabung di Kumpulblogger. Untuk mendaftar menjadi anggota (publisher atau advertiser) dapat langsung klik DISINI!!!

17 Mar 2010

How To Create E-Books That Sell

Image via PPL 2A
E-books are very popular on the web. No running to Barnes and Noble. No waiting for a shipment from Amazon. You pay your money, click and that book is on your hard drive ready to be read for fun or profit (mostly profit, from what I can tell).
Anyway, e-books are also used as FREE give-aways. In these cases, the recipient has to provide an e-mail address, knowing that an endless barrage of auto-responders will follow once you’ve captured the e-mail address. Even so, they’ll put up with the back sell and take a chance that the e-book is worth the hassle.
Whether you sell an e-book or give it away as opt-in bait, all e-books are based on certain publishing principles. That’s right. When you offer a download, you’re a publisher in the Digital Age. So make that e-book make sense.

1. Value is NOT measured in poundage.

Some e-book sellers believe that a 250-page e-book is more valuable than a 50-page e-book based on buyer’s perception. That 250-page e-book delivers 500% more information than the puny 50-pager, right?
Wrong, wrong, wrong. I’d rather pay for (or sacrifice my e-mail privacy) for a 50-page book stuffed with tons of good, actionable advice than plow through some wind bag’s opinion on how to start a business.
Less is more in e-book publishing. Do you want to print out a 250 page book? I don’t. And I don’t want to read the darn thing on my computer screen (even though it’s a really cool 17-inch hi-def model). I’m stuck here reading your e-book.
My recommendation: if you can’t say everything that has to be said in 50 pages, you’re trying to say too much.

2. Start by creating the Table of Contents (TOC)

Most first-time e-book writers spend hours preparing outlines with circles and arrows and high-lights. Why?
Instead, put together the e-book’s TOC. What needs to be said in chapter one? And how do you build on that in chapter three, four and five? Each chapter should build on the chapters that came before. You don’t have to keep defining EMFs (electro-magnetic fields) in your “tell-all” on how “Cell Phones Are Killing Us.” Define EMF in Chapter one and build on that.

3. Take the TOC and list topics, in sequence, within each chapter.

Get it. You’re building the content architecture – the book’s outline – and it didn’t even hurt.

4. Start writing.

Let me give you a few separate tips related to the process of writing an e-book:
* set a goal for each day. Five good pages shouldn’t be too hard.
* stick to the content outline
* stay on point
* be clear. You may understand what financial derivatives are but your reader may not. Know your reader’s skill set.
* use clip art to add some visual appeal.
* Bullet lists, charts and graphs and other “visual aids” are extremely useful in conveying a lot of information in a short time. I could send you 63 pages on the company financials over the last year, or I could create a pie chart of that same data. Which is easier to absorb?
* No puff. No fluff. No marketing. No up sell. Solid informational content. That’s what buyers want. That’s what they paid for.

5. A book becomes great in editing.

Editing is boring. Even most editors find it strenuous, monotonous and fatiguing. But this is the stage where you turn your rough text into gleaming pearls of wisdom.
That means reading, re-reading, and re-reading again. Each time, you’ll find something to change. Better sentence construction or information flow. Chapter 7 may become Chapter 3, or cut altogether. It’s at this phase that the e-book takes its final form.
But you’re still not done yet.

6. Word edit.

Okay, the content is in place. It follows a logical order. It builds on what came before. You’re close, but you aren’t there just yet. Time to read the text with an eyeball on making it read better. Make it more precise, humorous, clearer, change sentence structure (btw, if you don’t know what parallel sentence construction is, get a book and get caught up on all that 8th grade English stuff you’ve long since forgotten).
Mark Twain, America’s first 100% American author once said, “The difference between the exact right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightening and a lightning bug.”
Each word should compel the reader to keep reading and keep discovering the secrets you reveal about the dry cleaning business – or whatever the topic of the e-book.

7. Proof your text.

I find it impossible to proof my own words. I wrote them that way in the first place so I, inherently, believe they’re perfect – even if there’s a typo here and there.
That’s why I ask others to proof my e-books. I pay them for their time, but if a couple of proofreaders find spelling mistakes or inconsistencies in formatting, it’s money well spent.

8. Get the biggest (Click)bank for your buck.

Sure, sell or give-away the e-book on your own web site, but open an account at clickbank.com and upload your masterpiece. Select strong keywords – the same ones used to optimize your site.
Writers love Clickbank. Once they’re up and running, web site owners and just plain folks download their e-books for a price. Authors get to set the price ( most tend to keep it low to see more volume) and the nice folks at Clickbank deposit their earnings directly into their bank accounts. Too cool. Totally passive income.
So, you have direct sales and sales through Clickbank. That’s more revenues in your pocket.

9. Choose topics with legs.

If you write an e-book on current events, it’s out of date in about an hour-and-a-half.
Stick with topics that will interest buyers today, tomorrow and 20 years from now so you keep earning from work you did last millennium.

10. The Three Topics All Readers Will Buy

Family, health and finance.
And, if you can combine two of these topics, you’ve got a winner. “Building Your Child’s College Fund” has finance and family appeal.
Also, target the needs-driven buyer – the one who needs good, solid, reliable information like NOW. A guy who’s facing foreclosure in 72 hours is a needs-driven buyer for your “How to Stop Foreclosure Even If The Sherriff Nailed The Auction Notice To Your Front Door.”Okay, a little long, but someone facing foreclosure in a few days or weeks will pay $59.95 for a download that can prevent immediate foreclosure.
But the e-book has a responsibility to deliver the goods – to solve the problems of that needs-driven buyer. “How to Find a Job In a Shrinking Economy,” Easing Into Retirement,” “Finding the Perfect Mate.”
Family, finance and health – the three topics about which any reader will read.
Using e-books as opt-in bait, or as a source of revenue is a common practice on the web. Unfortunately, much of this so-called information is stuffed with fluff. Scams.
Make your e-books deep in value, deep in practical, actionable information and buyers will be glad that you spent the time to write such an entertaining, informative e-book.

System Security Virus Removal

System Security
The System Security virus can be extremely frustrating. This virus hides on your computer until you are online. When this virus activates, you will get a pop-up message that says you have a virus. You can’t close the pop-up message, and it won’t let you click anywhere else on your screen. Your computer is dead in the water until you click on the message. If you do click on the remove button, you will wind up being taken to a website where you’ll be asked to put in your credit card information in order to buy a product called System Security.
Fortunately, the system security virus removal process is a relatively quick and easy one.
1. The first thing you need to do is get out of the system security virus trap. Press Control-Alt-Delete to bring up your Windows Task manager.
2. From there, you will click on the tab labeled “processes.” This shows you the list of all tasks that are currently active on your computer. You’re looking for a process with a name that you don’t recognize that doesn’t fit any of the other programs you were previously running, and that isn’t a system process. Click on it and then click “end process” to stop the process.
3. Once you’ve ended the process, you need to remove the virus. The best thing to do, at this point, is to restart your computer. Click “Start” and then “Shut down” and then “restart.” Your computer will then restart.
4. When your computer gets to the very first screen, usually a black screen with white letters that may state the brand name of your computer, get ready. You need to hit the F8 key in order to bring up the computer’s boot menu. Once the boot menu is up, you will see a list of boot options. You need to select the one that says, “Safe Mode.”
5. Your computer will then start in Safe Mode. It may take a while, as your computer has to start in a very specific sequence when starting in Safe Mode. When your computer does come up, you will do a couple of things. First, you will run your antivirus program. This program should detect the System Security virus and remove it. If it does not, you may need to update your antivirus program.
6. After you’ve run your antivirus program, you should also run your spyware or malware detection program. This will insure that any spyware that may be on your computer, including any spyware that may have been installed alongside the System Security virus, is removed as well.
7. Once you’ve cleaned your computer, you can then restart it. The System Security virus removal process should be complete, at this point.
***If you notice that you are still getting the System Security virus pop-up after you restart, update your antivirus program and your spyware detection program and repeat the System Security virus removal steps.***

How to Export Firefox Bookmarks

If you’re like me, you have at least a couple of browsers loaded on your desktop – Opera, Chrome and probably Firefox, my browser of choice.
I’ve written a lot of posts about Firefox because it’s totally customizable through the use of the thousands of addons available and because the basic Firefox interface is just so darned simple to use.
I have thousands of sites bookmarked on my Firefox browser – bookmarks that I’d like to also export to the other browsers I use, or to a thumbdrive or memory stick that I can take with me to access favorites from a remote site. As with all online functions, Firefox makes it easy to bookmark and easy to export your bookmarks to anything from a spreadsheet to another browser.
Now, over the years, I’ve got lots of folders loaded with lots of bookmarks. Problem is, they’re only available through the Firefox browser, right?
Luckily Firefox makes it simple to export that long list of favorite sites to other browsers or external storage devices with a few clicks. The programmers at Mozilla has delivered the utility I need to get basic tasks done quickly.

Exporting Firefox Bookmarks
There are a couple of ways to export Firefox bookmarks depending on where you want to export them to.
To export from Firefox to a portable storage device like a memory stick:
1. Open Firefox. Click on the Bookmark Manger tab on the bookmark toolbar.
2. A drop-down menu appears asking what you want to manage. Scroll to the bottom of the drop-down to Export.
3. A window opens. Click on Browse and locate the memory stick or thumb drive. It’ll usually show up as E: lexar or F: Memorex. In other words, the drive will have a letter after C:, your hard drive, and you’ll see a short description of exactly what you’ve plugged in to a USB port on your computer.
4. Then, select the portable drive to which you want to copy your favorites. Firefox does the heavy lifting. No formatting required.
And, what’s even cooler, with all of your bookmarks stored on a flash drive or some other portable storage device, you can still access all of your favorites from another computer – even one that doesn’t have Firefox loaded on it.
5. To find your Firefox bookmarks on that thumb drive, locate the file named bookmarks.html and click on it. All of your Firefox bookmarks will appear in the file hierarchy you created while using Firefox to browse and bookmark sites.
Exporting Firefox bookmarks to another browser is just as easy – maybe even easier.
1. Open the browser to which you want to export your bookmarks. To keep things simple, let’s say you want to export those thousands of bookmarks to Chrome. Open Chrome.
2. Minimize Chrome so it appears on your icon tray as open.
3. Next, insert your thumb drive or memory stick into the appropriate port – a USB port for the thumb drive, the memory stick port for a memory stick.
4. Browse to find the bookmarks.html folder on the portable memory device where you’ve stored your bookmarks. (See above.)
5. Open Chrome and shrink it so you can still see the Chrome browser interface.
6. Now, simply drag and drop the bookmarks.html file to any space on the open Chrome browser.
7. If you don’t want to save your bookmarks to a portable data storage device first, NP. Simply open your Firefox Profile Directory. The profile directory stores your bookmarks, your personal preferences and settings, themes, add-ons, extensions and other customized features that you’ve added to or disabled fromFirefox.
Access your Firefox Profile Directory by opening the Firefox folder that appears as part of the list of Programs when you click on the My Computer icon on your desktop.
8. Open the Firefox Profile Directory.
9. Scroll to find the Bookmarks folder.
10. Now, simply drag and drop that Bookmarks folder anywhere on the open Chrome window.
Firefox will automatically reconfigure your bookmarks to the protocols of Chrome or any other browser, enabling you to export your Firefox bookmarks to Chrome, Safari, IE or any other browser.
One final note: I highly recommend storing your Firefox favorites on a thumb drive or memory stick for a couple of reasons. First, you can take your favorites with you wherever you go and simply plug in that drive into any other system using any other browser for instant access to your favorite, bookmarked sites or blogs.
Second, it’s taken years to collect bookmarked data – the important sites you visit routinely. It’s not data you ever want to have to recreate. So, storing thesebookmarks regularly to a portable storage device provides another layer of protection from losing critical data.


Sehubungan dengan banyaknya pertanyaan yang masuk baik di milis maupun melalui pesan pribadi, jadi alangkah baiknya jika saya berikan saja sedikit "tutorial" agar tidak terdapat pertanyaan yang berulang - ulang, khususnya dalam masalah ini yaitu bagaimana menampilkan nomer private number penelpon yang masuk ke kita.

Ketikkan kode *#30# dan tekan OK, maka di layar akan muncul tulisan " nomer penelpon ditampilkan" atau biasanya tergantung dari tipe hp masing - masing. Untuk kode ini sayangnya tidak didukung oleh operator di Indonesia, jadi ini hanya sebagai bahan pengetahuan saja. kapan yah di Indonesia operatornya bisa?

Mendivert semua panggilan tidak dikenal. Pada setiap hp ada fasilitas divert/ pengalihan ini, nah pada malam hari jika memaksa tetap mengaktifkan hp dan biasanya ada orang iseng gunakan fasilitas divert ini, caranya alihkan semua panggilan tidak dikenal (yang tidak tercantum di phonebook) ke kotak mailbox, jadi setiap panggilan masuk yang nomernya hidden bakalan masuk ke mailbox dan nanti kita akan mendapatkan sms bahwa pemanggil dengan nomer 08xxxxxxxx telah menghubungi anda. Lihat record dari nomer tersebut sapa saja yang menelpon. Khusus untuk Exelcom,Indosat dan Kartu Halo biasanya bisa.

Di saat anda tahu ada orang iseng dengan menelpon berulang - ulang menggunakan private number, sebaiknya setelah panggilan ketiga kalinya, matikan hp anda sampai beberapa waktu,tujuannya agar penelpon kena pulsa,hehehe. Maksudnya supaya dia masuk ke kotak mailbox juga, nah seperti cara kedua, maka saat kita menghidupkan hp kita nomer penelpon akan diberikan oleh operator kita. Misalnya jika kita menggunakan Exelcom, maka smsnya akan datang dari 818 dengan isi " anda telah dihubungi oleh 081xxxxxxx pada 23:15 dst...". Saya rasa ini adalah cara paling ampuh secara tradisional yang bisa diterapkan di Indonesia.

Saat anda tahu ada penelpon iseng dengan menggunakan private number, maka gunakan hp anda untuk menelpon, nah maka saat dia mencoba menelpon anda di tempat si penelpon iseng tersebut akan masuk ke mailbox karena nada sibuk. Untuk mengetahui nomernya si penelpon biasanya anda mendapatkan sms seperti yang saya jelaskan di cara ketiga di atas.

Reject telpon anda dengan menekan tombol bergambar telpon warna merah (tombol off) dan biarkan si penelpon masuk ke mailbox. Sayangnya cara ini tidak selalu bisa, karena dianggap kita sengaja menolak setelah mengetaui penelponnya, tapi untuk malam hari kebanyakan cara ini akan menggiring penelpon ke kotak mailbox kita sehingga sekali lagi kita akan mendapat sms seperti sebelumnya.

Untuk pembuktian semua cara ini, silahkan lakukan sendiri terlebih dahulu untuk meyakinkan anda. Jadi anda bisa memilih cara mana yangs ekiranya lebih didukung oleh hp anda dan operatornya. Cara ini mungkin masih sederhana, tapi saya harap bisa membantu anda yang sering diterror oleh penelpon iseng. Silahkan rekan - rekan lain menambahkan jika memiliki cara dan pengalaman berbeda seperti di atas.


Semakin banyak perhatian dicurahkan ke komponen yang satu ini. Baterai adalah komponen penting dari setiap peralatan elektronik. Dari berbagai jenis yang ada lazim digunakan saat ini, NiMh, Li-Ion adalah jenis yang paling banyak digunakan oleh berbagai produk elektronik, termasuk notebook, kamera digital dan berbagai gadget lainnya. Di beberapa tahun belakangan ini, Li-Ion menjadi pilihan utama, karena pilihan material ini memungkinkan baterai lebih kecil, discharge lebih kecil, daya tahan baterai lebih lama, kapasitas daya lebih besar dan berat lebih ringan,

Walaupun begitu, Li-Ion bukanlah baterai yang “sempurna”. Recall besar-besaran yang dilakukan beberapa produsen baterai dan notebook beberapa tahun lalu, menunjukkan bahwa material ini mempunyai karakteristik yang cukup “meledak”. Selain itu, biaya produksi dan quality control (sehingga masalah serupa tidak terjadi lagi) membuat baterai Li-Ion tidak layak digunakan di kendaraan hybrid - paling tidak menurut Toyota. Hanya perusahaan mobil/motor listrik tertentu yang menggunakan baterai Li-Ion - mereka pun mengakui bahwa biaya (dan berat) baterai Li-Ion mencakup sebagian besar biaya produksi. Biaya baterai untuk Tesla Roadster diperkirakan sekitar US 60.000, atau setengah dari harga mobil tersebut.
Oleh karena itu, peneliti di seluruh dunia berusaha mencari alternatif untuk menggantikan Li-Ion. Perusahaan-perusahaan baru seperti A123 Systems bergantung pada lithium iron phospate, sementara Revolt berhasil menemukan cara membuat baterai rechargable dari zinc air (note:udara, bukan air). Bahkan perusahaan baterai besar seperti Energizer seharusnya sudah menawarkan seri baterai zinc air mereka tahun depan (sampel sudah tersedia tahun ini). Kedua produk ini menawarkan daya jauh lebih tinggi daripada Li-Ion (3 hingga 4 kali daya Li-Ion, dengan berat dan volume sama/setara). Perbedaan utama antara keduanya adalah jumlah kemampuan isi ulang dan harga. Baterai zinc air menawarkan jumlah charge cycle lebih rendah dari Li-Ion, namun biaya produksinya hanya setengah Li-Ion. Sebaliknya, biaya produksi baterai lithium iron phosphate diperkirakan lebih murah daripada Li-Ion.
Setelah kedua alternatif ini, kombinasi yang diincar adalah lithium metal-air. Lithium metal-air mampu menawarkan kapasitas lebih tinggi daripada lithium iron dan zinc-air, namun pada saat yang sama, beratnya lebih ringan daripada zinc-air. PolyPlus telah berhasil membuat prototype desain electrode untuk lithium metal-air sehingga baterai yang digunakan dapat digunakan bahkan di dalam air dan air laut.
Di luar ketiga teknologi ini, ada satu teknologi yang perlu diperhatikan - ultracapacitors. EEStor mengklaim mereka telah berhasi menemukan desain ceramic ultracapacitor
menggunakan bubuk barium-titanate yang secara sangat signifikan meningkatkan kapasitas ultracapacitor. Ultracapacitor tradisional hanya dapat menyimpan 1/25 kapasitas daya baterai Li-Ion, walau mempunyai reaksi lebih cepat - memungkinkan pengisian ulang jauh lebih singkat. menurut EEStor, produk mereka dapat menawarkan kapasitas daya 2 kali Li-Ion. Bila baterai Li-Ion, lithium iron phosphate dan zinc-air masih memerlukan waktu pengisian ulang dalam hitungan jam, ultracapacitor EEStor dapat diisi dalam hitungan menit.


Membuat Bukti Palsu

Saat ini, di internet banyak situs-situs internet yang menawarkan produk dengan disertai bukti keberhasilan si pemilik produk dan para membernya. Tapi, tahukah anda. Kalau si pemilik produk bohong?.

Let`s Begin!

Cara-cara dan trik yang dipakai oleh pemilik webiste sangatlah mudah.
1. Buka website di internet yang menggunakan ”mutasi rekening” sebagai bukti
keberhasilannya. (gunakan mozilla firefox)
Contoh website:

2. setelah masuk ke website tersebut:
dikiri atas mozilla firefox. Klik file>save page as>Save.

3. Setelah save selesai. Anda akan mendapat 2 file berbeda. Pertama: tampilan web.
Kedua: (namaweb)_files. Masuk ke (namaweb)_files.

4. Anda akan menemukan berbagai file disana. buka satu persatu file yang ber icon
Mozilla firefox/internet explorer.

5. Anda akan menemukan mutasi rekeningnya disalah satu icon tersebut.

6. langkah selanjutnya adalah, download free NVU di www.nvu.com

7. install, dan setelah install, open file mutasi rekening tadi.

8. Setelah itu, save file tersebut. Dan Inilah Hasilnya!

Jangan cepat percaya kepada orang lain. Tidak ada program, yang dapat membuktikan asli atau tidaknya suatu bukti. benar atau tidaknya suatu bukti. Jadi, berhati-hatilah!

Sumber: indocracker

Download Windows 7 Application Virtualization

Application Virtualization (App-V) 4.6 is one of the key components of the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack 2010, a release which is tailored specifically to Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Office 2010. Microsoft Software Assurance customers can access App-V 4.6 immediately via MDOP 2010. In addition, the Redmond company has made available the solution accelerator to MDOP customers via MDOP 2010 which is available for download via the Microsoft Volume Licensing Site (MVLS). In addition, customers that only want to evaluate MDOP 2010, can grab the bits from MSDN and TechNet.

“App-V will help save money immediately by freeing up administration time from IT and enhance end-user productivity. It is an out-of-the-box platform to enable you to migrate your applications and deploy Windows 7 faster and easier. We offer much tighter integration with more products (Office 2010, SCCM, 3rd Party Distribution Systems) and we support both Windows 32/64-bit applications and x86/x64 platforms on desktops as well as Terminal Servers. App-V client deployment is easy and plugs into your existing deployment workflows,” revealed Karri Alexion-Tiernan, director of Product Management for App-V.

App-V is essentially a solution which delivers support for application streaming. IT admins are able to streamline the process of delivering applications to new desktops. In this regard, employees can have the same Windows experience independent of their actual location or the machine they use, an aspect which can only impact workflow and productivity positively. Of course, in order for this to happen, corporate customers need to be running not only App-v 4.6 but also Windows Server 2008 R2.

“App-V 4.6 is now compatible with 64-bit Windows client and server platforms, enabling IT to take advantage of x64 for client hardware refresh AND also deploy App-V to Windows Server 2008 R2 Terminal Services. The benefits: consolidate terminal server farms, simplify profile management and provide virtual applications via session virtualization for users using App-V with Remote Desktop Web Access and Connections, and Access Gateway,” Alexion-Tiernan added.

With the advent of App-V 4.6, Microsoft delivers full integration with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. It is critical to note that the integration only starts at the user interface level, but goes much deeper under the hood. Applications virtualized with App-V 4.6 can be pinned on the Windows 7 Taskbar, and leverage the JumpList feature. But at the same time, the latest version of Microsoft Application Virtualization comes with support for the BranchCache feature in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, which offers branch offices the possibility to simplify access to corporate resource, and to cut down on bandwidth consumption, but caching files, documents, media, etc. locally.

“Some key benefits [of App-v 4.6] include:

•User settings roam with them, no matter which PC they login from.
•Applications are pulled by the user. Only 20-40% of the application to get up and running, as opposed waiting for the full installation to complete.
•No more reboots during application deployment, upgrades and other maintenance tasks associated with native applications means more user productivity time.
•Fewer machines required supporting down-level application versions, for example Word 2003, Word 2007 and Word 2010 can co-exist on the same machine.
•Applications are available to the user while connected and when offline.
•Fewer helpdesk calls and shorter wait times for support,” Alexion-Tiernan explained.

From the Clash of White Dwarfs, the Birth of a Supernova

How many ways can a star go “kaboom!”? It might depend on what kind of galaxy the star lives in, astronomers said last week.

For the last 20 years, astronomers seeking to measure the cosmos have used a special type of exploding star, known as Type 1a supernovas, as distance markers. They are thought to result when stars known as white dwarfs grow beyond a certain weight limit, setting off a thermonuclear cataclysm that is not only bright enough to be seen across the universe but is also remarkably uniform from one supernova to the next. Using them, two teams of astronomers a little more than a decade ago reached the startling and now widely held conclusion that some “dark energy” was speeding up the expansion of the universe.

But astronomers, to their embarrassment, have not been able to agree on how the white dwarf gains its fatal weight and explodes, whether by slowly grabbing material from a neighboring star or by crashing into another white dwarf.

In a telephone news conference on Wednesday and a paper published Thursday in the journal Nature, Marat Gilfanov and his colleague, Akos Bogdan, both of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Germany, said that for at least one class of galaxies in the universe, the roundish conglomerations of older, redder stars known as ellipticals, these supernovas are mostly produced by collisions.

“We have revealed the source of the most important explosions in cosmology,” Dr. Gilfanov said, adding that until now “we didn’t know exactly what they were.”

Reasoning that white dwarfs slowly gobbling gas from neighbors would emit X-rays as the captured gas fell and was heated, Dr. Gilfanov and Dr. Bogdan used NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory to look at five elliptical galaxies and the central bulge of the nearby Andromeda galaxy — all of which are composed of older stars. The satellite recorded only about one-thirtieth to one-fiftieth of the X-rays that would be expected from such white dwarfs, leading the astronomers to conclude that no more than 5 percent of the supernovas in those types of stellar systems could be produced by accreting white dwarfs.

The observations leave open the possibility that accreting dwarfs might be responsible for more of the supernovas in spiral galaxies like our own, which tend to have younger, more massive stars.

That leaves open the possibility of two different kinds of Type 1a supernovas at loose in the universe and could add extra uncertainty into efforts to use exploding stars as standard candles to make precise measurements of the universe. Accreting white dwarfs go off at a precisely determined mass known as the Chandrasekhar limit, but a pair of colliding dwarfs could have a range of masses.

Mario Livio, a theorist at the Space Telescope Science Institute, said that while the new results and the idea of two classes of supernovas “muddies the water,” they would not affect the measurements of dark energy. Most of the supernovas in those studies, he said, came from spiral galaxies, and the astronomers, moreover, were very careful to calibrate their data.

“The main results so far will remain unchanged,” Dr. Livio said.

Adam Riess, of Johns Hopkins University and the Space Telescope Science Institute and a first-rate dark energy hunter, called the new paper “an interesting study.” He compared the two theories of supernovas to lighting a stick of dynamite with a fuse versus banging them together to see if they would go off. “If we find a connection to where nature does it one way versus the other, we could use that information to improve the use of these candles,” Dr. Riess wrote in an e-mail message. “I think we are getting close to that point now.”

10 reasons to love Google OS

What's the secret of the Google Android OS?

Having conquered the online search universe, Google has now set its sights on achieving the same in the mobile phone market. Its secret weapon: the open-source operating system Android.

Widely customisable, Android is a developer’s dream. With a top notch web browser on board and the ever growing app Market, the number of Android phones is increasing rapidly. As a result, Google has the iPhone firmly in its cross hairs.

As more Android offerings make their way into the mobile phone domain via MWC, see below for 10 reasons to love Google Android

1/ The Google Nexus One

This Android phone produced by Google and announced during CES, has yet to hit UK networks, but as you’ll see from our Nexus One review, it lives up quite well to its 'superphone' billing..

2/ The price

SIM-free Android handsets range from £250 to £450. You can get the HTC Hero for free with contracts costing upwards of £30 a month – much cheaper than the iPhone.

3/ The interface

The original Android interface is nothing to be sniffed at, but companies are free to tweak it and to develop their own interfaces. They’ve created some true beauties – notably HTC’s Sense skin, found on the Hero and Tattoo.

4/ The apps

The majority of apps available on Android Market are free. At last count there was in excess of 20,000.

5/ Google Docs

Word processing, presentations and spreadsheets for free, with multiple users able to edit documents

6/ It’s open-source

Android Marketplace is opensource, so anyone can develop apps without having to go through an Apple-style approval process. Head to android.market.com for info on how to develop your own app.

7/ The handset choice

There’s an ever expanding selection of handsets available from the likes of HTC, LG, Motorola and Samsung, with new ones from Sony Ericsson and Nokia arriving this year.

8/ Hotmail compatibility

Unlike iPhone, Android syncs with your MSN Hotmail account for free.

9/ Other Android gadgets

The Android OS isn’t just for mobiles; the Archos 5 tablet and Barnes & Noble Nook also use it.

10/ Instant upgrades

There’s no need to sync with your computer for firmware upgrades, they download to the handset.

Review of Google's Nexus One Android-powered touchscreen smartphone

The Google Nexus One is the first real "Google Phone." It is being sold directly by Google, it is branded a Google device (in spite of being built by HTC), and you won't find it listed on a carrier's site. The first version of the Nexus One was designed to work with T-Mobile's GSM and 3G networks, and can be purchased with T-Mobile service, but can also work at GSM EDGE speeds on AT&T. Versions built for Verizon's network in the U.S. and Vodafone's network elsewhere are set to become available in the Spring.
vibrant media

The phone features some cutting edge hardware, like a large AMOLED(INFO) display and a 1GHz CPU, but will that and its new Android 2.1 operating system be enough to earn recognition as a "super smartphone" by consumers?

Physical Aspects

When it comes to the hardware design of the Google Nexus One, Google and partner HTC nearly knocked it out of the park. The device, which measures 120mm x 60mm x 11.5mm (4.7in x 2.4in x .5in) in size, is made up of nice textures and smooth, softly curved lines. The soft touch paint on its back cover only improves the feel of the 136.2g (4.8oz) device as it lays flat in your hand.

Controls on the Nexus One are pretty minimal. There is a lightable trackball that resides below a gorgeous, bright and colorful 3.7-inch, 800 x 480 pixel AMOLED touchscreen display. Both the trackball and the capacitive touchscreen(INFO) perform very well. The touch sensitive controls for back, menu, home, and search that sit between them, however, are only sufficient and account for the only real misstep in the Nexus One's design. Hardware keys would have been greatly preferred, even if it might have detracted a bit from the Nexus One's aesthetic appeal.

There are no controls on the right edge of the phone, not even a camera shutter button, but the top of the left edge and left of the top edge are home to very low profile controls for volume and power, respectively. They look good, and work well enough. A 3.5mm headphone jack is located on the top of the phone as well, and a micro-USB power/data connector can be found on the bottom of the phone, along with contacts that appear to be intended for a cradle of some sort.

The 5 megapixel camera, with its LED flash, sit on the back cover of the Nexus One, which can be slid off easily enough to gain access to the SIM card and microSDHC(INFO) memory card slots, both of which require the removal of the battery in order to be swapped out.

Overall, the Nexus One's hardware should appeal to people that like the touchscreen slab form factor. It is a fine example of the type. Those that seek more hardware-centric text input methods will have to hold out for the rumored "enterprise" focused device that Google has alluded to in the past.


Kristal ini berwarna merah-oranye dan memungkinkan diciptakannya perangkat elektronik yang lebih ramah lingkungan.

Beberapa jenis komputer bisa menyimpan informasi dengan memakai logam yang bersifat ferroelektrik, atau maksudnya logam itu bisa menciptakan kutub positif dan negatif ketika di tempatkan pada medan listrik. Tapi, biasanya logam yang dipakai adalah jenis yang langka atau beracun.

Kini, Sachio Horiouchi dari Institut Nasional Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Industri Tingkat Lanjut di Ibaraki, Jepang, bersama kolega-koleganya telah menemukan sifat ferroelektrik pada bahan kristal asam croconic, yang hanya mengandung karbon, oksigen, dan hidrogen.

Asam croconic ditemukan 170 tahun lalu, tapi baru dalam dekade terakhir ini bisa dikristalisasi. Ketika tim Horiuchi memberikan medan listrik pada kristal tersebut pada suhu ruangan, mereka bisa membalik kutub listriknya.

Akan tetapi para peneliti juga melihat bahwa masih ada keterlambatan antara waktu medan dihilangkan hingga polaritas kristal tersebut berbalik. Horiuchi mengatakan, ini biasa untuk ferroelektrik. Juga, ini adalah pertanda jelas akan adanya kemampuan untuk menyimpan dan mengubah polarisasi listrik. Temuan ini menyatakan bahwa asam croconic bisa berujung pada terciptanya alat-alat elektronik organik.

Marty Gregg dari Universitas Queen's, Belfast, UK, menyatakan, sebenarnya sudah ditemukan polimer organik lainnya yang juga memiliki sifat ferroelektrik, contohnya polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). "Tapi adanya sistem ferroelektrik organik selain PVDF cukup keren, karena membuka kemungkinan-kemungkinan lebih untuk segala macam peralatan organik."

Akan tetapi, ia juga mengingatkan bahwa hasil dari tim Horiuchi juga menunjukkan bahwa asam croconic mungkin terlalu lelet perubahan polaritasnya untuk digunakan sebagai RAM (Random Access Memory untuk komputer) yang bersifat ferroelektrik. "Tapi aku kira hasil temuan ini tetap akan disambut hangat."

12 Mar 2010

Dapet duit dari ngeblog

Posting yang mengawali bulan april ini trik yuwie aga sedikit berbeda, bedanya karna judul postingnya aga sedikit gaya yaitu pake b.inggris (gaya dikit gpp kan),.. lumayan kan buat ngambil ip pengunjung unik dari luar negri..(hehe.. buat naikin ranking alexa juga)

Klo diliat dari judul kali ini, pasti km sudah ngga asing lagi dengan kata "Money".. yups bener banget, posting kali ini trik yuwie bakalan ngasih tau buat gmn caranya nyari duit lewat blog via "Ask2Link"..

Trik yuwie rekomendasiin buat nyari tambahan $$$ via ask2link karna di ask2link cara kerjanya gampang banget, jadi kita g usah bingung2 mikirin tempat yang strategis buat nyimpen iklan dari PPC, atau malah bingung bikin artikel buat ngerjain Job Review. karna di ask2link, kerjanya hanya mendaftar, memasang widget Iklan dan mengumpulkan uang setelah Iklan
ditampilkan.. gampang kan..!!

Widget dan iklannya kaya gimana...? nih coba liat di bawah..
Gambar diatas adalah widget ask2link yang dipasang di blog trik yuwie ini, jadi sebelum ada iklan yang masuk.. maka widgetnya bakalan nampilin kurang lebih kaya gambar diatas, tapi klo udah ada iklan yang masuk, maka widgetnya nanti akan berubah sesuai dengan iklannya..

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Wah, lumayan kan.. apalagi klo kita punya blog yang mempunyai Page Rank yang tinggi, tiap bulan paypal kita kebanjiran $ tuh dari ask2link..

Gimana, tertarik buat ikut ask2link juga. caranya tinggal :

1. Daftar dulu di www.ask2link.com

2. Submit blog yang bakalan kamu masukin di ask2link

3. Pasang widgetnya di blog kamu

4. Terakhir, dapetin deh dolarnya tiap bulan... key

Ayo dimulai dapetin $$$ ... hehehehehe

3 Mar 2010

Chip and PIN, Vulnerable To Fraud

Criminals credit and debit cards do not really need to know the correct PIN in order to devour its victims.
Researchers from the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory found that by inserting a stolen credit card and use the terminal trick that allows you to 'break' PIN trusted considered acceptable transaction.
Through Dr. Steven Murdoch, researchers from the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory said the company is now testing the attack on credit cards issued by UK banks the largest. The result, all these credit cards were found vulnerable to attack.
Having successfully stolen funds, the victims and even difficulty in getting their funds back. "The sophistication of techniques for doing this attack is not difficult. Even the compact equipment required to perform this attack will not be easy to find in stores, "said Dr. Saar Drimer. "A criminal act can be performed even by someone who still lay in the" pump "credit card people," he added.
Professor Ross Anderson says, many banks often tell customers that their PIN has been used. It is certainly related to the Bank negligence. However, the existence of this study revealed the fact that using credit cards other people very easily, even without knowing the PIN.

Through God tapped Telecommunications

Why BlackBerry sold-sweet? According to a circulating joke, musababnya is because many people believe this phone antisadap. "No wonder many Board Members who book," joked a senior on a BlackBerry service provider.
Joke that contextual, both for the BlackBerry boom phenomenon, and also describes the national political situation this past year is characterized by the disclosure of the case through telecommunication surveillance techniques. Even the disclosure of telecommunications into a conversation a new legal precedent and appreciated when done at the level of the Constitutional Court.
Bak snowballs, recent wiretapping recordings playback in the courtroom and conducted more frequently tend to become commonplace. In fact, explicit conversations regarding sexual activity would not want to go uncovered (and broadcast live by national television station). As if, the recorded conversations can be easily obtained to serve as evidence.
Depkominfo vs Commission Minister of Communication and Information (RI), Tifatul Sembiring, menengarai had happened to each other so that the government intercepted antarinstansi need apply settings. "As has been out of Law (Law) IT No. 11 of 2008, it is necessary to regulate wiretapping by the PP, so do not tap it to play. The concept of the existing RPP and are expected to complete the next six months," he said. According to Tifatul, in other countries, like Australia, Korea, and Japan, wiretapping (Lawful interception) was drawn under the control of the Ministry of ICT as Depkominfo (Koran Jakarta, December 7, 2009). Cash Plan Government Regulation on Procedures interception (tapping RPP) is inviting reactions. Identical to the context-ontran political ontran in the Commission about alleged impairment (Corruption Eradication Commission), then this rule immediately accused of being part of a major effort to weaken the independent agency it. RPP will be considered restrictive in tapping the Commission who has become the authority of the institution through the Law Commission. In Article 12 letter (a) of Act No. 30 of 2002 on Corruption mentioned, in carrying out investigation work, investigation and prosecution as referred to in Article 6 letter c, the Commission is authorized to intercept and record conversations.
No less than the Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Mahfud MD, cautioned that the RPP should not about substance. "But when it set about the object, subject, and who is entitled to tap, it was the domain of Law, not the PP," he said. According Mahfud, RPP is only allowed to regulate the tapping mechanism. The court's permission must be regulated in the Act (kompas.com, December 21, 2009). The Court also had issued a decision that strengthened the authority of the Commission on the wiretapping, which is the decision of No. 6 / 2003 and No. 11 of 2006.
Even the pros and cons more heated when then ignited feud between members of the Presidential Advisory Council, Adnan Buyung Nasution, with Tifatul Sembiring. Pitcher surprised by insistence Tifatul. "Maybe he was told to corrupt or including spokesman. It was as corruptor fight back," he accused. Hearing this, threatened to dismiss Tifatul Buyung from Wantimpres (who obviously was just an emotional response only). Clear points of the founders of the government YLBHI is okay to make rules about wiretapping. However, it can only apply to police and prosecutors only.

"Can contrived but excluded for the Commission, the Commission should not be disturbed once," said Buyung. The suspicion that the main target of this surveillance RPP is very reasonable Commission. There are many points in the draft that conflict with the Law Commission. KPK spokesman Johan Budi told, the Commission had handed over eight inputs related discussions for RI surveillance RPP Tifatul Sembiring.

Eight inputs that is, about penyadapannya requirements; determining chief trial (related to the submission requirements court permission before tapping); understanding wiretapping itself, because the Law Commission Act ITE with the different meanings; procedures and requirements wiretapping, because they have to in the Act are not PP ; problems interception service center, where the Commission rejected because wiretapping is confidential; permits wiretapping issue to be clarified; wiretapping equipment standards should also be clarified; administrative issues must also be clarified (kompas.com, December 18, 2009).
KPI vs Depkominfo Not just once Depkominfo "clash" with other independent institutions and tend to want to take over the authority as a regulator. Before this Depkominfo also "fight" with the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) in a matter of attraction permits for existing broadcasters.
In that case, KPI makes them feel Depkominfo subregulator broadcasting only. This is due to the publication of Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information (Permenkominfo) No. 17/P/M.KOMINFO/6/2006 dated June 7, 2006 which regulates the procedures for the implementation of adjustment broadcasting license for private broadcasters and the existing subscription. Permenkominfo number 17 this is a derivative of the PP No.. 50 and 52 PP Broadcasting rejected by the Parliament and its validity is KPIs. This rejection is due to the House and KPI see a discrepancy between the contents arranged in PP Broadcasting with Broadcasting Act. And clearly, anytime, anywhere, legislation should not conflict with the above product (http://kpi.go.id, June 13, 2006).

According to Agus Sudibyo (Director of Science Foundation, Aesthetics, and Technology (SET), http://agussudibyo.wordpress.com), Regulation No. minister. 17/2006 shows that institutionalization is not a priority Depkominfo a public information service apparatus. So many national events: the tsunami in Aceh, the disaster starvation, malnutrition, bird flu, and the last earthquake in Yogyakarta, Central Java, which escaped the involvement Depkominfo the information apparatus.
These institutions range just busy memerlebar authority, to reach the media and broadcasting domains that were not government regulated Relevans again. Increasingly clear priority Depkominfo is how to restore his authority as a media regulator. Here, we not only speak the effort to take over authority from the KPI regualtor broadcasting. In relation to the printing press, there are indications to take the functions of the Press Council as stipulated in the Act Release No. 40 1999. According to Agus, the position as a media regulator does contain the political-economic potential of a very large and should be contested. From this position before the Department of Information and authoritarian effectively control the political attitudes of media. From the economic side, the broadcasting license can be treated like a commodity that can be traded without a transparent procedures and fair. And it's no secret that this practice has resulted in economic benefits for public officials in the technical departments of government which holds the broadcasting license authority.
USO is "Too Slow" When traced back, as Depkominfo present incarnation of "merger" plus the Director General of Information Department of Posts and Telecommunications (DG Postel), through Presidential Regulation No. 9 of 2005. DG Postel presence brings huge financial consequences for dragging beneath a huge government spending in the telecommunications sector, following the large current world economic infrastructure development based telecommunications and information technology.
According to Bisnis Indonesia (August 5, 2009), Non-Tax State Revenue (non-tax revenues) Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Depkominfo) in the period 2005-2008 non-tax revenues come primarily from the Directorate General of Post and Telecommunications is collected in accordance with Government Regulation No. 28 of 2005 on Rates the prevailing non-tax revenues in Depkominfo. Types of revenue is made up of the implementation of the frequency of the rights fees, the cost of implementation of rights of telecommunication services, energy services income, employment information, training and technology services, the contribution of the telecommunications universal service obligation (Universal Service Obligation), education and income, rental, and removal of assets. In 2008, the realization of revenue PNBP Rp7 Depkominfo, 7 trillion, an increase Rp2, 6 trillion, or 51% compared with the realization of the 2007sebesar Rp5, 1 trillion.
Then, until mid 2009, the government recorded a state income tax Rp7 not, 2 trillion, including the deployment of broadband wireless access for almost Rp900 billion, from sales of cellular frequency band third generation (3G) to SingTel for Rp160 billion plus a fee up front Rp160 billion. The value could be increased if the other four 3G operators are also adding additional bands for 3G, or 1 block of 5 MHz, so potentially providing financial coffers of government as much as Rp1, 5 trillion.
Of that amount, Depkominfo will spend most of the USO to continue the project (Universal Service Obligation). Depkominfo still owe the rural telephone development held within the framework of the USO at 31,824 thousand villages (villages rings) and program-based smart village Internet (5748 districts).
USO financing schemes that have been started since 2006 this is not going well, too slow. Legal issues arising from the troubled bid to be the most severe constraint smoothness implementation. New 2009 towards the end of this project began to be realized ringing the village.
Previously, XL chose withdrew from the tender. President Director of PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk. (XL) Hasnul Suhaimi said it withdrew from tendering the USO because they do not want half measures. "On second thought, our calculations in the USO program is not fit calculations. Compared to a half-half, we better focus on quality of service, we also have customers that need attention," said Hasnul. XL will continue to support the program by preparing a special price for those who want to use the infrastructure in the project XL USO. "USO is a thin client. So we can give volume discounts," said Hasnul (detik.com, 20 November 2007).
After a bit wrong with the village rang, the USO will be followed by other innovations, the "Internet village" or the Internet District. But, again, the bidding process did not seem to be running smoothly. According to the Investor Daily (16 November 2009), interest in the tender minimal operator join. Of the 19 participants of the tender, an advanced telecommunications service to the next round only Telkom and Telkomsel. Other bidders retreat, such as PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta (Indosat's subsidiary), PT Icon + (subsidiary PLN), PT Pos Indonesia, PT Raharja Media Internet, and Netwave PT Multimedia, PT Indosat Mega Media/IM2, and PT Berca Hardaya Perkasa.
The lack of operator interest in the USO tender District's Internet was not free from concerns about these programs overlap with other programs, such as rural USO tring to 32 thousand villages and tender Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) WiMAX technology.
Vox Populi Vox Dei Rather than deal with wiretapping regulation by independent agencies that have been protected by other legislation that is stronger, better Depkominfo energy used for the fulfillment memercepat noble ideals of the USO.
Still millions of people who would not even be tapped because no exposure to telecommunications access. Providing telecommunications network without the shortcut through the USO, can-can most people will never be able to enjoy the telecommunications connection. When the USO was launched in 2006, the total telephone density in Indonesia is still at number 35%. Of that number, 29% was donated by cell phone. Share of fixed telephone was increasingly decreased to only about 6% of it. The tendency of this cell membengkaknya share common throughout the world.
Although the penetration of cellular networks so rapidly that in just 3 years (2004-2006) was able to inflate the numbers telephone density doubled, from 18% to 35%, but still to this day yet 50% of the population inaccessible Indonesia telecommunication devices. So the importance of telecommunications, if I may choose, maybe they will choose bugged, just as long as you communicate. They will not care whether they use the network unsecure or deliberately bugged, anyway they just need to make some important news or exchanging greetings yearning, not for dividing up the loot corruption or high-level political conspiracy.
Try to imagine the emergency needs of people in the unreached rural telephone network when pressed to call the doctor. Would not, if you could choose, they would prefer him cry SOS tapped and thus heard more people? But alas, still hundreds of millions of people who would hear his voice could not yet reached by telecommunications. And we remember the adage "Vox Populi Vox Dei", the voice of the people is the voice of God. So, if you want to know God's will for this country, let all the people potentially exposed to intercept telecommunications and voice can be heard. Because the tap people, then means we have tapped the Lord. Is not cool if we have direct access to God's will? ***

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